Monday, October 19, 2009


After work today, I went for a run. After my run, I wasn't ready to give up the beautiful evening so I grabbed my bike and went for a short ride. On my run I noticed a person sitting on a bench under a tree, staring at a field spilling over with late afternoon sun. I like watching people sitting alone in their own silence. While I was riding my bike I saw a father come home from work. His two small girls were sitting on the front porch with their mom and as he was walking up to the porch one of the little girls couldn't contain her excitement and kept squealing "yay yay yay!!!" it was adorable and I smiled at the sweetness. Floating by the homes, porch steps cluttered with leaves and pumpkin lanterns swinging from strings, I thought I was in heaven... but I was just on Spaight street.

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