Sunday, August 16, 2009

at this exact moment

At this exact moment I feel eyelid heavy tired. sitting slumped on the sofa. my throat is sore. my skin cool and damp from sweat and humidity. my right elbow is resting on my fat cat b as he sleeps with his paw thrown over his eyes to block out light from the lamps nearby. i'm in the middle of picking up myself and my things after a whirlwind of a week. i think all my leaves fell early this year. swept up in a gust of wind from a summer storm. rainstorm on sunday, it poured and poured until it stopped and poured again. in the pause everything is left saturated with a damp heat that chokes the air making it hard to breathe or think. so we go and go until we stop and go again. like learning to drive a car, stick shift.

at this exact moment. i am listening to the fan in the window. thinking about how tired i am. it is quiet. and i am ready for sleep.

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