Thursday, December 10, 2009

Goodbye Emily Dickinson

Everyone is talking, even the geese flying in V formation are chattering. The cause for commotion? Winter is here suddenly and full blown. The first big snow fall was a blizzard and the next day the temperature dropped suddenly from the 30's to 1, 2, 6 degrees. Winter has officially arrived and I don't own a shovel. Having busted my neighbors shovel I now have to buy two.

I'm painting again, though the ideas are slow to transpire from head to hand. I don't feel the need to rush though. There are a few activities I should throw myself back into after a long hiatus... like cooking (I've been saying this since July). Winter months mean lots of soup and stew which are easy enough to prepare. I've discovered something about myself recently though... I apparently dislike following written instructions (this is a challenge for cooking if I need to look up a recipe). Running is another thing... I've been lazy about running lately. My standard excuses are "I'm so busy" and "it's so cold" or "I haven't eaten enough to go running" (see above). I have on the otherhand been spending time with friends and this makes me feel warm and whole. Goodbye Emily Dickinson, hello you.

1 comment:

SamanthaMarie said...

Winter truly arrived at a fast pace this year. I hope you find yourself doing things that give your life a spirit of adventure.

I think today after cleaning my apartment, I'm going to build a fort :)