Thursday, March 8, 2012

"be still like a delicate symphony
eternity could take a moment"

Someone put this string of words together on the refrigerator at work. They've been there for a while, I just never thought much about what it might mean. I think I get it now though, and I find the sentiment comforting. It's so easy to go through life impatient and results focused. Frustration comes when you feel you're not moving fast enough towards your goals, but in reality everything is moving at nature's intended pace. When I become impatent I just need to remember to be still, eternity could take a moment.

Friday, February 17, 2012


looking back over my drafts, I found this little poem. I hardly remember writing...

Ash after the flame quiets
Sun through curtains as it rises
Low full moon on the horizon
Ripened on the vine